Saturday, March 28, 2020

Golf Tutoring - Do You Need One?

Golf Tutoring - Do You Need One?I do not believe that any of us really think that we are playing the game of golf properly without a good instructor. It does not matter if you are a novice or you are an experienced golfer, if you do not have a guide or tutor with you, you will probably have a hard time going up to the greens to make the necessary adjustments. Some of us are more timid and others are more confident, but all of us need help from time to time.There are many online courses and resources that are meant for an individual who is playing by themselves, and there are courses where you can get a one on one tutoring session with Brian Mcelroy. A great thing about him is that he is able to deliver results almost immediately. He keeps his pupils satisfied and motivated. He is always willing to come to your house or to your golf course and teach you and your friends golf techniques.Of course, if you are just starting out and you are still at the beginner stage, you might not be in a position to afford a course with Brian Mcelroy tutoring. However, don't worry because there are still courses that offer one on one tuition for you. All you have to do is to get in touch with the various golfing organizations or clubs in your locality.You can also look for a tutor in a school or college, but there is no substitute for the Internet. The Internet has made learning the game of golf so easy. It doesn't matter how bad you are in this game, the internet can help you a lot.The other advantage of looking for tutors in a school or college is that you would get a more helpful learning resource. However, don't choose a college that offers only one hour sessions with no follow up sessions.You may also consider enrolling in a golf academy. These academies are considered the best solution. They are designed for students who have already mastered the basics of the game. They have various teaching packages that you can take advantage of as your golf learning progresses.But be aw are that you cannot avail of the same type of tutoring or tuition with a local golf course. Many schools that offer tutoring do not have the resources needed to assist someone with their golf game. So if you want to learn golf, it is important that you enroll yourself in a golf course, whether you are a pro or an amateur.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Important SAT Essay Tip From an Irvine SAT Tutor - TutorNerds

Important SAT Essay Tip From an Irvine SAT Tutor - TutorNerds SAT Essay Tip: The Passage is Trying to Trick You! SAT Essay Tip: The Passage is Trying to Trick You! While the essay portion of the SAT is now optional, it can still be a valuable component of your college application â€" particularly if youre trying to emphasize your writing or English skills (book your private Irvine SAT tutor today). The directions for the essay are the same for each test: As you read the passage below, consider how [Author] uses: -evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. -reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence. -stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed. They will then ask you to choose one or more of these elements and write about how the author uses them and why (focusing on the most relevant features in the prompt). These instructions do not change, so they should be memorized beforehand in order to save time reading during the test. However, the passage itself will be different every time. Remember that these passages are meant to be persuasive. You will be reading some authors argument where they are using various methods to try to convince you that their opinion is correct. They also tend to be rather strong and compelling arguments â€" they are hand-picked for the SAT after all. These passages lead to a common issue that I see students have: they are persuaded by the author and agree with him/her by the time theyre done reading. Now, agreeing with the passage does not have to be a bad thing, but it does tend to lead to two problems when it comes to writing your essay: You include your approval in your essay You dont notice the persuasive elements being used Of these two, the first is common but easy to deal with. The directions for the SAT specifically say that you should NOT say whether or not you agree with the authors claims. Many students get motivated and enthusiastic about the cause that the author is championing after they read the passage, and they write about how the author is correct and even bring in extra outside support. This is NOT what you are supposed to do. Likewise if you disagree with the author. You are only supposed to discuss which of the above examples of persuasive elements you see in the passage and how/why they are used. The second is the more difficult to get past. When you disagree with someones argument, you are more likely to be on high alert for any flaws in their arguments or tricks they are trying to utilize. This is more difficult if you agree with them and are simply nodding along in support. Its easy to be less critical when you agree with someone. So here is the tip to help you notice more persuasive elements in the prompt: Pretend that the author is trying to trick you. Go into reading the prompt thinking that the author is wrong but that they are trying to trick you to make you believe them. Even if the passage is called Why People Like Puppies, you need to be thinking to yourself I know that people dont like puppies and this guy is trying to trick me that they do. It does not matter what you actually think. It does not matter if the author is right or wrong. What matters is that you find evidence, reasoning, and persuasive elements that the author is using in their argument. And it is easier to find the persuasive elements when you have the mindset that they are out to trick you. Continuing with our puppy example, here are some things you could see: Author: Suzy, a suburban mother of three, tells us how her pottery club includes two members who brought their puppies to a meeting one day and everyone unanimously enjoyed their company. You: Suzy and her pottery club are only a small group and specific demographic. The author is just using a happy anecdote to make me believe them. Author: Puppies are the quintessential eliminators of stress on college campuses during finals weeks. Everyone knows that finals are a difficult time, why wouldnt we support something that helps ease that stress? You: Thats a gross hyperbole that theyre using to convince me. Theyre also using a rhetorical question that I know has nothing to do with puppies, AND theyre trying to relate to me by mentioning finals that might appeal to students. Im onto them. Now, these are more lighthearted examples than you may see on the real test, but they get the point across. It would be easy to read these statements by the author, and just think yes, people do like puppies, this is correct, I agree. However, you need to look at things with a critical eye. The author is trying to persuade you, to convince you, to trick you â€" and you need to see how and why in order to ace your essay. Are you taking the SAT soon? Sign up for a private Irvine SAT tutor today. Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

8 ways to make new connections while teaching abroad

8 ways to make new connections while teaching abroad One of the most intimidating parts of teaching abroad is the thought of going it alone. Even if you’re an extrovert, striking out on your own is scary and the thought that you don’t know who’ll you’ll be celebrating your next birthday with or even simply hanging out with on the weekends can feel downright weird. But on the flipside, the friendships you make abroad can be some of the most enriching and rewarding aspects of your time there. You’ll meet people you never expected, from places you’ve never been to and expand your social network wider than you ever imagined. Sounds magical, doesn’t it? So, where do you begin? Use your existing network You never know who has friends or family in the place you’re moving to. Maybe your cousin has a friend in Beijing or your colleague has a brother in Sao Paulo. Making new connections from established ones is great because you already have a bit of a connection to the person you’ll meet, and a recommendation from someone you already know and like. So, ask around or write a status update on your social media, and see who find you! Get to know your colleagues When you arrive in your new home, get to know your colleagues. Some of them might not be from overseas, but even if they’re not, they’ll definitely be able to give you useful insights into what it’s like to live in this country. Make sure you say yes to any work social events and if there aren’t any, why not try organizing one yourself? Or you can schedule individual coffee dates with your colleagues to try and get to know them better one on one. Get out there IRL If you want to meet people you have to be around, well... people! A good place to start is by exploring your local neighborhood. Say hi to your neighbors, find places you like going to and become a regular face there, and you could even check out your local library for community events. Beyond this, say yes to any invitations that come your way. It might feel weird turning up to things alone, or taking up opportunities that wouldn’t normally interest you, but you never know where you might meet someone interesting. One of the first things to do is to enter new places with a positive, can-do attitude. Follow your interests If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer, join a sports league or take up a new hobby, now’s the time to do it! You’ll meet new people with similar interests, get to know more about the place where you live and follow your passions all in one go. If you’re not into joining groups, try going to events that look interesting to you. Anyone you meet there obviously shares your interest, so kicking off a conversation with a stranger won’t be too difficult. Tap into the expat community In most cases, there are sure to be other expats in your new home who understand just how it feels to move abroad on your own and is open to starting friendships. Bars and restaurants based on a particular culture can be a great place to meet people from your home culture. You can even find online groups detected Rethink your living space Next up, your living space might not seem like a hotspot for making connections, but let’s look into it. When you first arrive in a new place, how about staying in a hostel while you’re looking for permanent accommodation Sure, people in hostels can pass through pretty quickly, but you might meet others in the same position as you or get along with the staff, or find the hostel has great social spaces that you can come back and hang out in even after you find a permanent place to live. Living in a share house can also a great way to meet people, especially locals. Once you get to know your housemates, you can get to know their friends too, and before you know it, you’ve got the makings of a community. Connect online Lastly, finding social groups online can be a great way to connect with people IRL in your new home. Searching for expat groups or groups based on mutual interests on Meet-up, Facebook and even Instagram can be a great way to get in touch with people. And there are plenty of groups (like Teach Away’s Community!) out there too where you can share tips and advice about moving abroad and make new connections. Attend events hosted by your embassy If you are working somewhere that has a strong relationship with your home country, then it is likely that your home country will have a robust embassy and cultural presence there. What does this mean for you? Well, embassies and cultural centers will host events that celebrate their nation or bring together expats and are open to the public. These events can range from film screenings, food festivals, concerts, seminars and more. It’s a great way to ease your homesickness and find people who speak your language or know your traditions. Find your embassy or cultural center, and on their website and/or social media pages, you will see their upcoming events posted. A final few tips: Keep an open mind. When you're overseas, you’ll meet people from different cultures with completely different worldviews to your own. Keep an open mind when you meet new people that you don’t understand straight away, as they might end up teaching you more than you expect. Keep going. Not everyone you meet is going to be your new BFF, and you might have to sit through a few awkward coffee dates before you find people you truly connect with. Accept that making new friends will take time and keep putting yourself out there. You never know who you’ll meet next. Take the initiative. If you meet someone you click with, ask for their number and follow up with them. Simple, right? This might feel super awkward at first, but ultimately you’re paying someone a huge compliment by saying you want to keep in touch with them. Who wouldn’t be flattered? Be patient. Even when you meet someone you click with, it can take time to go from acquaintances to friends. Invest time in people and give friendships space to progress at their own pace. Remember, everyone feels scared about going it alone when they move abroad. But with a little time and effort, you absolutely will create friendships that last through your overseas adventure, andâ€"who knows?â€"maybe long into the future.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Children Require Guidance and Sympathy

Children Require Guidance and Sympathy Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction. ~Anne Sullivan (1866-1936) Johanna Anne Mansfield Sullivan Macy, better known as Anne Sullivan, was an American blind teacher. She received her education as a student of the Perkins School for the Blind. After graduation Anne became the instructor and lifelong companion of Helen Keller. With Annes help Helen became the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree deaf-blind girl. Tutors are important and make a difference. A good tutor always finds the potential in each and every student, and stimulates them to develop their strong sides. Find the best tutor at right now and change your live for better.

3 Facepalmingly Simple Ways to Avoid Failing at Language Learning

3 Facepalmingly Simple Ways to Avoid Failing at Language Learning 3 Facepalmingly Simple Ways to Avoid Failing at Language Learning How can something so simple burst into flames?I mean, everyone knows at least one languageâ€"and plenty of people learn them successfullyâ€"and yet you feel like you just cant make it happen.Learning a new language  is often a confusing process.We look ahead and see a long, winding road without any signs or direction.We often don’t know how to get started, nor do we have tons of  time to commit to learning.This leads us to waste our energy, money and, most importantly, time.That stops today. We’re going to show you the some of the most deadly mistakes nearly all language learners makeâ€"and how you can avoid them all.By the end, youll have overcome all the major hurdles to starting a language learning venture and maintaining your progress in the long term. 3 Facepalmingly Simple Ways to Avoid Failing at Language Learning1. Identify your “why”Understanding your “why” is where it all has to start. As Simon Sinek explains in his book, Start with Why, the reason why you’r e doing something is far more important than what it is or  how you do it.This is because whenever we take on a new task or project, there’s always going to be an obstacle or struggle that we’ll need to overcome. Its always fun to try something novel, but then well need to step up our game and work harder to get better at it. Those who  give up early on are the ones who  haven’t clarified what their “why” is.Let’s come back to language learning. Whatever your target language isâ€"Spanish, Italian, Korean, etc.â€"what’s your “why”?Here are some questions we recommend you ask yourself:What will I achieve?Who will I  be able to connect with?What is the most exciting  thing I will be able to do?Who will I  become as a person?The next time you’re facing difficulty or losing motivation, just come back to these reasons, and you’ll get right back on track.2. Set clear goalsAccording to Tony Robbins, the motivation man, “setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”It doesn’t matter if we have the fastest car in the world. If we don’t know where we’re going, we’ll just end up wasting precious energy, money and time going nowhere.All of us have a desire that we want to fulfill, we just have to clarify what that is, and make it the driver to our success.There are the  key components to setting goals. Your goal has to be:Visually specific â€"  Get as visually clear as possible about what your end result would look like, to the point you can close your eyes and imagine it. Where will you be speaking your new language? Will you be making friends while  sipping fruity drinks on a beach in Latin America? Will you be chatting while watching movies in Seoul? Or do you see yourself connecting online  with native speakers?Slightly out of reach â€"  There is a fine balance between  picking a goal that’s way out of reach and one that is easily within reach. This goal should be something you can visually imagine, but a goal that you would need to push yourself to accomplish. For example, you might not be able to tackle a French novel tomorrow, but with time and practice you totally could! Measurable â€"  What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get improved. The easiest way to do this is to put a number on it. This could be number of words memorized, the length of conversation you can have with a native speaker, etc. Results-oriented?  â€" Focus on the results, not how much time you spent getting to them. For example, instead of measuring how many hours you studied every week, only measure what measurable result you achieved. Its okay to take your time reaching the goal. Remember, it doesn’t matter how much effort you put in unless you don’t get the results from the effort. Deadline-specific â€" As Parkinson’s Law  states, the time we spend completing a task will depend on the time we allocate to the task. This means that if we give ourselves 30 days to complete a report that should only tak e 30 minutes, that’s exactly how long we’ll take to complete it.  Whatever goal you set, make sure you have a realistic deadline to accomplish it.Let me share three examples of goals that are bad, good and great, so you can get an understanding of how your goals compare.Bad goal: I want to become fluent in Spanish so I can travel to Spain  someday.Good goal: I want to become conversationally fluent in Spanish so I can travel to Spain by next summer.Great goal: I will have a 30-minute conversation in Spanish with a native Spanish speaker over coffee in a cafe in Madrid in July 2016.Do you notice the difference?Compared to the first two goals, the great goal is written as if it’s already accomplished (I want versus I will) and includes all the components of the goal-setting formula including deadlines as well as being measurable, visually specific and results-oriented.3. Make a scheduleThe most successful people and top-performers in their industry focus on the process, not jus t the deadline. Optimal performance is less important than the daily practice of taking action, no matter how hard it is or how tired you are.If you want to write a book, this could mean waking up each morning in order to write 500 words, no matter how bad the first draft is.If you want to double your business sales, this could mean spending every week with your team reviewing your sales numbers and executing a new growth experiment.If you want to lose 10 pounds, this could mean running 30 minutes every morning.For many of us, learning a new language is not the #1 priority in our lives. It’s our family time and careers that take up our focus.This is why scheduling your learning time is even more important than scheduling your work time.Here are some practical steps we recommend to schedule your learning time:Pick your language learning activity  â€" This could be memorizing 30 of the most common words on your own, working with a private language coach or learning with a FluentU vi deo.Figure out your free times? â€" When are the vacant times you have during the day?  If you’re a morning person, it could be before work. It could be during lunch break or at night once the kids are in bed. It could even be on your commute!Add in 15 to 30 minutes of buffer time? â€" Schedules never go according to plan. This is why we want to make sure we add some buffer time, so if we happen to wake up later than usual, or get held up in  traffic on the way back from home, we can still use the buffer time to stay on track.Set reminders  â€" Because we probably have a dozen things we need to remember during our day, setting notification reminders goes a long way.  This could be done through any digital calendar software you use (i.e. Google, Outlook, etc.) and you can even get set up to receive them on your phone.Find someone to join to the journey  â€" Ever heard the saying, “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”? It’s easy to resort to go ing at it alone. This is how we’ve lived most of our lives.  But if you observe the best performers and the fastest learners, they have someone who works with them, whether it’s a mentor, advisor or coach.That last point is a key one.In almost any aspect of our lives, we have a coach that we work with, whether it’s a fitness trainer, financial advisor, business mentor or sports coach. This is the best-kept secret amongst the best performers and the fastest learners in the world.Language learning is no different.If you’ve truly discovered your why and have a clear goal that you’ve set for yourself, you should find moving forward a breeze. Then it’s time to get outside help, to guide you through each step of the way, keep you accountable and accelerate your learning speed.Anyone can learn a new language, no matter how old you are, how busy you are, and even if you’ve tried before with limited success.It’s all about finding the right strategy that works for you and, of course, avoiding the most deadly mistakes that language learners make.

Online Journals for Organic Chemistry

Online Journals for Organic ChemistryThere are many good online journals for Organic Chemistry. The great thing about these online journals is that the articles can be downloaded to your personal computer and printed, posted to your website, or saved to a hard copy. They are also great if you don't have the time to read books on organic chemistry. Many of these online journals feature articles on topics like; novel chemical structures, new applications of organic synthesis, materials with more than one role in organic chemistry, dissolving/reducing systems, molecular models, crystal chemistry, and practical applications.There are two different types of journals for organic chemistry. They are the open access journals and the subscription journals. With the open-access journals, the authors are able to freely publish their research as long as they keep it confidential. Since their articles are publicly available, the open access journals typically have much better editing and formatti ng guidelines than the subscription journals. That's because the subscription journals typically require the author to pay the publication fees.Because of the openness of open access journals, the authors usually have very little or no payment. Of course there are always some publishing fees when the research is published, but if you don't have a large enough budget to pay for a single article, these journals are a great option. The content in most of these journals is very dry writing. Not all journals have this problem, however. The only problem with these journals is that they sometimes require a high education to read and understand the content.There are many subscription journals that provide comprehensive and in depth information about organic chemistry. These subscriptions usually cost a few hundred dollars per year. You will need to purchase one or more electronic databases for each journal in order to access their contents. The subscription fees can vary greatly depending o n the journal. One of the most common subscription journals is the Journal of Organic Chemistry.There are many other online journals for organic chemistry. For example, the Journal of Molecular Structure and Computation is an open access journal that offers information on electronic devices, computer simulation, and the properties of materials. Another popular subscription journal is the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, which has articles in physics, and has many more journals that are very focused on one subject.Science Journals is another resource for chemistry information. There are many different ones that provide organic chemistry information for people who are interested in studying chemistry but do not have a college education in chemistry. These publications offer some of the best information on chemistry out there. Most of these journals are peer reviewed, but there are some that are not.There are many more places where you can find information on Chemistry and beyond on the Internet. All you need to do is look at what else is out there. If you are able to connect with other chemists, that would be a great way to share ideas. Keep in mind that finding the most knowledge in the field of chemistry is quite important and what you learn from others can help you progress in your career and take your skills and knowledge to the next level.

Intro to Related Rates Online

Intro to Related Rates OnlineIt can be quite difficult finding a suitable organic chemistry tutor for your needs, and one of the best ways to find one is to find an intro to related rates online. There are various types of people that offer this service and there are some advantages that you can get.There are a lot of options available in this field, and the first thing that you should know is that you will get very good quality study materials. These courses can be used for the purpose of improving one's grades or they can be used for the purpose of a graduate degree. You have to understand the advantage of this option and then use it to your benefit.Once you get this kind of instructor, you can use different companies to get yourself enrolled in the course. This will depend on the quality of courses that you want to take. There are some courses that come with a fee and some that do not. This will depend on the type of schools that you want to attend, or how much money you are willi ng to spend.If you are going to spend your money for a specific school, then you will have to spend more because the teachers will get higher salaries. But if you are going to take a few classes at the free schools, then you can save a lot of money.The advantage that you get by taking a particular organic chemistry tutor is that you can interact with him. You will also have the benefit of using his knowledge in your studies. As long as you spend your time on studying, you can have the time for interacting with him.Since you are also the teacher, you can teach him your own methods or techniques in teaching. You will get the opportunity to form more relationships with him, which is always beneficial to both of you. The only downside is that you can't use your teaching skills in the classroom because of certain rules in the schools, but you can still learn from him.A particular organic chemistry tutor will give you a sense of accomplishment when you learn something new in the course. H e will also help you find a job after you graduate, so you can benefit a lot from having him as your teacher.